Have you aware the more you lengthen your spin the more enjoyable your twist can be?
Today's challenge I have Ardha Matsyendrasana in my bedroom, it's pretty challenging to settle my foundation on the soft bed, it requests more strength to hold this pose. However, I have a daily easy juicy variation for you (swipe to see), which is my gently daily choice, it always makes me so relaxing whenever I feel tightness on my back / shoulder or any tension behind physical tightness.
第二天的指定姿勢是扭轉,昨天特別安排了一場直播是扭轉主題的流動,因為我很喜歡扭轉體式,希望可以跟大家分享!這個肩膀與背伸展以及擠壓肚子的感覺,實在很令人感到紓壓 ☺️
你喜歡扭轉嗎? 期待看到你選擇的扭轉體式!
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